Tom’s Hardware propose un test de la Nvidia 7800GS AGP.

Tom's Hardware propose un test de la Nvidia 7800GS AGP.
Notre confrère Tom’s Hardware en version anglaise a publié un test complet de la nVidia 7800GS AGP, à laquelle il oppose les vieilles 6800ultra et X850XT PE. On va voir si mieu vaut achter cette version brider en Agp ou passer directement a la version PCI-Express mais changer en même temps de carte mère…
« The graphics world has been on fire for the past year. Over the span of three months we have seen new top cards play tug-o-war for the flag on their side. This is a fantastic thing for the consumer as it drives prices down. However, what about those who still own an AGP motherboard? These enthusiasts have been forced to hope and pray that AIB (Add-In-Board) vendors will take these PCIe parts and cross the technological crevasse to AGP.

Is the situation really that dire? No, but for the passionate enthusiast it can be a significant purchase to move from an AGP platform to PCIe. Not only is there the investment of a high-end graphics card for several hundred dollars but there is the acquisition of a new motherboard, CPU and even new memory modules and a power supply.

It has been a long time since the big two focused on AGP designs. There have been tens of millions of AGP boards that have been left with no upgrade path. »

Accéder au test de la Nvidia 7800GS AGP

Tom's Hardware propose un test de la Nvidia 7800GS AGP.

Beugré Jean-Augustin

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