Notre confrère américain I4U a publié hier sur son site un test de la TV LCD Toshiba Regza 42X3000P Full HD 1080p. C’est une TV LCD de 42 pouces soit environ 106 cm de diagonale. Le Toshiba Regza 42X3000P possède ratio de contraste de 6.000:1 et un taux de luminosité de 500 cd/m². Il a un temps de réponse de 8 ms, il supporte également les technologies active backlight control, PIXEL PROcessing III PRO, 3D color management et Cross Color Noise Suppression. « I was searching for a HD ready 1080p TV in the maximum size for a reasonable price for our Test lab based in Germany. 1080p was a fixed requirement to have a test bed for full HD devices like the Sony PS3 and HD disc players. Pretty quickly the choice came down to the Toshiba Regza 42X3000P 42 inch HDTV as the low price and the high-end specifications are currently unmatched on the German TV market. Toshiba managed to strike a balance between necessary quality and saving on unimportant aspects to come in at a low price point for a 42 inch full high resolution TV. »
>> Accédez au test de la TV LCD Full HD 1080p, Toshiba Regza 42X3000P fait par I4U.