Notre ami anglophone Fudzilla nous propose depuis trois jours maintenant un test sur les cartes graphiques Sapphire Radeon HD2400 XT et Radeon HD2600 XT. Les deux cartes ont 256 Mo de mémoire GDDR3 pour FSB de 1400MHz. Par contre la Radeon HD2600 XT a un bus mémoire de 128 bits contre 64 pour la Radeon HD2400 XT. Elles sont respectivement basées sur les chipset RV630 et RV610 qui sont totalement compatible avec DirectX 10 et supportent également le Shader Model 4.0. « After testing a couple of HD2400/2600 PRO series ATI cards, we thought it would be nice do dissect some XT cards too. Unlike their cheaper Pro siblings, which use GDDR2 memory, Sapphire’s XT cards use GDDR3, and the HD2600XT is also available with fast GDDR4 memory. It will be interesting to compare the performance of these two series. The XT cards are mid range and low end products, as you probably know by now, HD 2400 cards have a 64 bit memory bus, which brings about some performance limitations, especially if you want to use Antialiasing. On the other hand, all HD 2600 cards use a 128 bit memory bus, but as we’ve already said, they ship in three different memory flavors. »
>> Accédez au test des cartes graphiques Sapphire HD2400 XT et HD2600 XT fait par Fudzilla.