Notre confrère anglophone, Overclockers Club a publié il y a déjà quelques semaines le test de la carte mère Abit AN-M2HD High Definition. Cette carte mère est spécialement conçue pour les procésseurs AMD tels que les Athlon 64 X2, FX,… Plus généralement elle supporte les CPU utilisant le socket AM2. La Abit AN-M2HD High Definition possède également un chipset graphique intégré le Geforce 7050PV/nForce 630 a qui dipose d’une sortie HDMI et gère le purevideo HD V1. « I want my HTPC! Many of us have been saying this lately; with the prices of computer components dropping and just becoming frustrated with all the wires that need to be ran from all the separate components when you build a normal home theater, it just might be easier to have
everything come from one source. How many of you have tons of movies lying around collecting dust in, on or hidden in shelves, racks or closets? It always seems the day that you want to pull out that copy of Animal House or Van Wilder, you spend more time searching for the disk than the time it would actually take to watch the movie. Building an HTPC could help you get rid of all that clutter and allow you to store all those movies in your attic, giving you room to showcase all your bowling trophies again. Depending on the size of the hard drive you choose, it’s possible to store hundreds of your favorite movies in one location and access them with the click of a button. Some of you might be saying, but what about music? Yup, that too and considering the size of an MP3 in relation to a movie, storage can be in the thousands! So now you can have movies, games and music, as well as the Internet at your fingertips without having to get off the couch to look for a CD case or to change the input on your receiver. »
>> Accéder au test de la carte mère Abit AN-M2HD High Definition fait par Overclockers Club.