Alors que je vous parlais très tôt ce matin dans cet article (cf : Test : Boitier Thermaltake Soprano RS.) du test sur le boitier Thermaltake Soprano RS fait par Pro-Clockers. Et bien nos confrère anglais du site bit-tech ont publiés un test concernant le boitier PC Lian-Li PC-B25. Le Lian-Li PC-B25 est un boitier très sobre et très soigné, il est beaucop moins flashy que le Thermaltake Soprano RS. Il est composé de 3 baies de 5.25 pouces et une de 3.5 pouces. Il possède 5 emplacements pour disques durs et a sur son coté droit, des ports USB, Firewire et de prises audios. « Lian-Li is a name which is very much revered among case enthusiasts, though I’ll admit that I’d never heard of them until I started work at Bit-tech. The company is very much about the high-end I’m told, with incredible build quality and a consistently beautiful series of designs. Still, as I said – until I started work at bit-tech I’d never even heard of Lian-Li and had never spent more than £50 on a PC case (I was a student, dammit!). So, it was really interesting for me to get a chance to go hands-on with a brand new Lian-Li and get some time to go over it in detail. In the proper circles of PC builders Lian-Li is a company which is massively respected, so I wanted to make sure I got it right and was careful to spend a serious amount of time with the PC-B25. So, can Lian-Li live up to the hype in the eyes of a Lian-Li n00b, or will I earn buckets of scorn for forming a negative opinion? Let’s find out in our full and frank review of the Lian-Li PC-B25. »
>> Accéder au test du boitier Lian-Li PC-B25 fait bit-tech.