Nos confrères anglophones du site Legion Hardware ont mis en ligne un nouveau test de l’alimentation Corsair VX450w, comme son nom l’indique c’est un alimentation offrant une puissance de 450 Watts. Une alimentation jugée par nos confrère comme de très bonne qualité et silencieuse. Même si les amateurs de puissance se tourneront vers des modèles plus puissances pouvant supporter des solutions SLI ou CrossFire. La Corsair est tout de même digne de son prix et surtout destinée a ceux qui cherchant plus la qualité que la puissance. « It has been roughly 2 years since we reviewed a power supply that had an output rating that was less than 500 watts. These days you really don’t see that many 450w power supplies, so the new Corsair VX450w power supply was a bit of a surprise. That said, we were pleased to find a quality power supply that wasn’t rated for 600 watts plus! The VX450w is ideal for those looking at building a Core 2 Duo gaming system with a GeForce 8800 GTS graphics card… Surprisingly it has now been a year since we last reviewed our first Corsair power supply. The review was focused on the popular HX620w (CMPSU-620HX) modular unit which at the time cost around $170 US. Now almost a year later Corsair is still selling the HX620w for roughly the same price and it is still their most powerful unit. There is also a 520w version of this power supply that costs just $125 US and should be more than powerful enough to run the majority of gaming rigs out there today. That being the case Corsair has introduced an even more affordable VX power supply series. »
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>> Accéder au test de l’alimentation Corsair VX450w fait par Legion Hardware.