Après le test de l’alimentation Corsair VX450w dont je vous parlais dans cet article (cf : Test : alimentation Corsair VX450w de 450 Watts.) et voici cette fois-ci celui de l’alimentation Antec 850 Watts TruePower Quattro publié par un autre confrère anglophone AMDZone. Contrairement au Corsair VX450w, l’Antec TruePower Quattro peut être considéré comme une alimentation de haut de gamme vue qu’il délivre une puissance de près de 850 watts. C’est une alimention qui chauffe très peu et qui offre un silence très étonnant. C’est d’ailleurs pour cette raison que sa note finale est de 98%. « Antec are one of the most trusted brands when it comes to cases and power supplies in the PC industry. The company has been serving the community sometime with products such as the Sonata, NeoHE, and P180 and other fine products. Until recently though they have were lagging behind in the PSU market where others were putting out power supplies topping 1000W. That’s all changed now as Antec has introduced the 850W and 1000W TruePower Quattro power supplies. We have the 850W version of this power supply to look at today. Inside the box everything is packed neatly together. The PSU, modular cables, power cord, and a manual are all included to get you going. As you may be able to tell from the pics of the power supply, it features two yellow racing stripes along it which makes it stand out from most power supplies. Of course aesthetics aren’t the most important things to people so let’s see how it performed. »
>> Accéder au test de l’alimention Antec 850 Watts TruePower Quattro fait AMDZone.