HotHardware test le PowerColor Theater 550 Pro PCI Express.

HotHardware test le PowerColor Theater 550 Pro PCI Express.
Un confrère anglophone HotHardware vient de publier sur son site un petit test très intéressant une nouvelle carte Tuner Tv signée par ATI le PowerColor Theater 550 Pro PCI Express come son nom l’indique elle embarque la dernière puce du constructeur canadien ATI, à savoir la Theater 550 Pro…
« The old crowd of PCI TV Tuners may need to step aside soon, as their PCIe cousins head into the market. Sure, there are still plenty of people without motherboards equipped with PCI Express expansion slots, but the old PCI bus is eventually on it’s way out.

Today we’re going to take a look at PowerColor’s PCI Express based Theatre 550 Pro TV Tuner. Other than the way the card interfaces with a system, there’s little difference between the newer PCIe based tuners over PCI, so we’ll be focusing on the PowerColor card’s performance, ease of installation, setup, and bundled software. Speaking of software, some of you may recall our relative displeasure with CyberLink’s
PowerCinema 3 software in our review of MSI’s ATI Theater 550 Pro, so our experience with PowerColor’s choice of PowerCinema 4, will weigh heavily on this evaluation. First thing’s first though; let’s look at the specifications before moving on to the more pressing issues. »

Accedéz au test du PowerColor Theater 550 Pro PCI Express par HotHardware

Beugré Jean-Augustin

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